Mountains and the Search for the Deep Self
Spirit Quests
We invite you to join us in a Spirit Quest to discover the guidance, love and abundance that can be found in contact with non-ordinary realms of being. In our 4-day spirit quest, a 3-day fast in the mountains is combined with supports that help you release old hurts and beliefs, discovering and embodying new possibilities. |
Medicine Walks
A model for sacred, clarifying and revitalizing time in nature, this practice draws on the Native American medicine wheel and a guided meditation to connect our inner life to outer nature, followed by a process of mindful walking that opens our senses to the wisdom of nature. Through ritual we then mark what you have released or gained. |
Multi-Day Treks
We think of wilderness therapy as outer travel with inner change in mind. In wilderness therapy, the process we want to engage is the shift from one way of being to another, moving from one phase of life to the next. To do this we move consciously in outer nature with the intention of also exploring the spaces within our personality. |
To talk with us about a vision quest, walk or trip you would like to take or to learn more contact: Dennis at 559.614.0010 or

Dennis and Rebecca have engaged in wilderness rites of passage for more than 20 years.
Our training in wilderness therapy includes work with the School of Lost Borders and NOLS Wilderness Medicine. Our trips range from medicine walks and vision quests to nature-based retreats and multi-day backcountry trips.
Our training in wilderness therapy includes work with the School of Lost Borders and NOLS Wilderness Medicine. Our trips range from medicine walks and vision quests to nature-based retreats and multi-day backcountry trips.
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